Long Term Travel

Most people think of long term travel as being horrible expensive. I actually spend less money when I’m traveling than I do living in my hometown of Christchurch, New Zealand.

Yes, that’s right. It’s cheaper for me to be on holiday than it is to live at “home”. 

Of course it depends on how you travel, if you want to stay at 5 star hotels and dine in fine dining for every meal then you’re going to need a pretty big pot of gold to sustain your long term travel goals. But, if on the flipside, you value experiences more than fancy accommodation and are prepared to travel slower, then chances are long term travel can be really affordable for you. 

I want to shape this into a resource that contains everything I wish I knew before I first went traveling so that I could travel longer for cheaper. I’ve spent thousands of hours Googling everything travel related, so that I could learn more about what is really needed to foster long term travel. 

How to cut down accommodation costs:
Staying in hostels
Buying accommodation last minute